About FCAP
FCAP is a privatly held financial advisory company founded in 2019 by partners of divisions as IBD and foreign exchange. Our goal is to understand the partiularities of each client and apply them in projest developments that require technical capacity, foundation and criativity, for a greater return for both shareholders and investors
Ouribank relationship
On the foreign exchange market FCAP works as a foreign exchange correspondent for Ouribank (former Ourinvest), a bank with a 40 year plus experience and one of the 20 majors on the foreign exhange market (primary ranking Bacen). The relationship with the bank elevates the technical capacity, agility, due diligence in addition to the broad foundation framework, compliance, risk and internal controls
Registration and projects flow
Foreign exchange structured operations or day by day ones pass through an analysis process, registration, dossier elaboration and negotiation, where we access the best fee costs on the market given the high standard of execution. Mergers and acquisitions and venture capital projects are analyzed in a primary way in search of the pillars: proven track record, value creation potential and return to the shareholder, investor and for the planet. We follow careful steps for the development of such projects so that the return is compensatory for those involved and in several cases we receive part of the fees in shares and/or we also participate as investors